Casablanca was bought in 1999, also as farmland, which means that there was not a single tree in the entire plot. This plot belonged to the farmhouse commonly knonw as Pozo Muñoz and is located in the proximities of “Haza La Vieja”, about two kilometers away. As a curiosity, this plot had a hectare of abandoned cherry trees, which we had to cut down because they were heavily affected by an illness.
We dedicated the land to olive growing from the very beginning, as we had already done in La Vieja. However, in this case, the chosen frame was 8 by 6 meters, which yields 48 square meters per olive tree on the plot, 208 olive trees per hectare. The surface of this farm is 8.35 hectares and the total number of olive trees is 1750. They are also of the Picual variety. With an irrigation concession, it has a 170-meter-deep borehole, the stable level of which is around 100 meters. The plantation as well as the irrigation system were made with our own hands.
Located in the municipality of Sabiote, its altitude is between 503 meters from its highest point, up to 470 in the part near the water stream. It has an average slope of 11.6% and its orientation is southwest. The soil of this plot varies considerably, being more fertile below, near the stream and having a poorer soil as we ascend. Without any doubt, all these characteristics are transferred to the extra virgin it produces.
It is a colder plot, with a more limestone soil, and produces oils with greater fruitiness, more fragrant and less accentuated in the characteristic features of the picual, that as we have seen before is a bitter and spicy variety. The water added by the irrigation helps undoubtedly to soften these features.